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Why Major in Horticulture

Pending approvals to proposed updates, this program is not currently accepting new students.

The Agribusiness Management Horticulture Option program offers classroom instruction and laboratory experiences coupled with supervised on-the-job experience to prepare students for employment.

Special program features include:

  • Instructors with practical expertise in their areas of specialization
  • Supervised on-the-job experience
  • Minimum of 12 hours of elective hours of coursework allowing students to specialize in their areas of interest
  • 10-week fourth semester enabling students to secure full-time employment on or around April 1
  • A majority of courses are in agriculture, horticulture and related disciplines

 Discover careers and salaries for this program

East Campus
Number of Credits
Next Start Date
Any Time

Careers In Horticulture

Students completing this program will find a great demand for their skills and services in the planning, implementation, production, management, processing, marketing and sales of horticultural commodities and services. Jobs will be in production, sales, operation and management.

Agriculture Events

4-25-2025 // 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Equine Open House

5-02-2025 // 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Agriculture Open House

5-17-2025 // 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Equine 50th Celebration


Quad-Cities Campus

309-796-5341 or

East Campus
